Earth Engine Layers

Your MapHubs portal must first be configured to support Earth Engine, contact to confirm

You will need a Google Account with access to Google Earth Engine to create and view maps with Earth Engine layers in MapHubs, you can find information and request an account at

MapHubs is not affiliated with Google or Google Earth Engine. We use Google Earth Engine's API to display information from your account in the web browser on your computer.

Start by creating a new layer in MapHubs, then select the Earth Engine option

Find the image ID from Google Earth Engine, this can be an image from a catalog or from a saved asset in your account.

Assets in your account map also need to be shared with team members inside Earth Engine, or stored within a shared project in Earth Engine

Paste the image ID into the form on MapHubs.

Optionally set the min and max zoom levels on the map. Restricting the minZoom, may be useful to prevent attempts to render global-scale maps that may be too taxing for Google Earth Engine. These settings are usually not needed

Enter the name, description and source information for the layer

The first time you view a map with a Google Earth Engine layer it will request that you allow access to your Google account, specifically your Google Earth Engine data.

The layer will then display in the preview map. You may need to pan/zoom the map to the location of the imagery if it is not global.

In this screen the color and label settings will have no effect since the data is coming from Earth Engine. You can change the legend design under the Advanced section.

Click complete to save your layer.

Last updated