Export a Map as an Image
In MapHubs you can export any map as a PNG image for inclusion in documents, presentation slides, etc.
Step 1: Create or Find a Map
To create a map see our tutorial on How to Make a Map
To find a map, from http://maphubs.comclick Explore, then scroll to the maps section. Click "More Maps" if you want to see more popular maps or search all maps. Click on a map card to open the map.
Step 2: Export PNG Image
From the menu in the bottom right of the map page, select "Get Map as PNG Image" (photo icon). It may take a view seconds to generate the map image.
Note: currently the map image will only be the default location/zoom chosen by the map's designer. If you have moved or zoomed the map on the page that will not be reflected in the export. We plan to improve that in the future, but for now if you need a different map you can always make your own version using the same layers. See our tutorial on How to Make a Map
Step 3: Attribution
If you are publishing this map, please be sure to research the source and licensing for the data layers and attribute them accordingly. MapHubs brings together data from a wide array of organizations and sources. These sources may have different requirements for how their data is licensed and used. For example, some datasets are for non-commercial use only and you may need to contact the data owner to if you need to use the data commercially.
You can use the layer links in the map legend to access the page for each layer.
Last updated